A project supported by the government

In certain areas, especially office software, France, like many other European countries, is lagging behind. To catch up, the French government has launched the France 2030 call for projects, with an investment plan aimed at investing in new innovative technologies. CollabNext is part of this objective.

This project, led by Jamespot, is a complete collaborative office suite that is 100% european, sovereign and secure. With more than 100 apps, it is an alternative to American solutions such as Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace.

Secure data

With open source software and SecNumCloud certification, CollabNext guarantees data privacy and sovereignty.

A flexible project

Thanks to the involvement of 8 players, the project is modular. Its collaboration platform is tailored to your needs and offers more than 100 apps and a variety of features.

CSR commitments

With a focus on the environment, but also on the development of European businesses, the project has strong values and commitments.

Optimised productivity

Switching between multiple office softwares is time-consuming. Opt for an all-in-one online solution for greater efficiency and easier work management.

The association of 8 players, experts in their field

CollabNext is the result of a close collaboration between 8 european companies specialised in their fields. This partnership guarantees customers expertise and compliance with European security standards.


« Being SecNumCloud* qualified also means responding to the challenges of government agencies and offering them a solution that meets their security expectations »

Jamespot CISO

Secure data

Protect your enterprise communications with the CollabNext project.

With its european office suite, you will be sure that your data is confidential and secure. Three factors make it a sovereign alternative to suites like Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace:




*SecNumCloud certification guarantees the digital security of a solution and its cloud services.


« We are software publishers who are specialists in our tools and who pool their know-how: this guarantees technically precise modules that can be better adapted to your needs »

Jamespot CISO

A flexible project

CollabNext responds to the privacy issues faced by all companies, whether SMEs, large groups or public sector organisations.

By bringing together different players, CollabNext’s collaboration platform is modular and can be adapted to the needs of any organisation. With over 100 tools and a wide range of features available, you can pick the ones that interest you and create your own customised solution. It also allows you to keep some of your existing apps.


« Last but not least, choosing a sovereign solution like CollabNext also means supporting european jobs and the growth of IT companies »

Jamespot CISO

CSR commitments

The project is rooted in a strong corporate social responsibility approach. Its many commitments make it stand out from the office suites already on the market. Among these, CollabNext stands out for its reduced carbon footprint.

You are assured that your data is hosted in ‘green’ data centers in France. This hosting keeps the data close to the users, minimizing travel distances and reduces associated carbon emissions. What’s more, by choosing a project run by european companies, you will support local employment and business growth to compete with the American giants on the market.

optimiser son temps de travail et son efficacité grâce à CollabNext

« CollabNext will make it easy for users to adopt collaboration tools with a 'French touch' »

Philippe Gilbert, Alinto's CEO

Optimised productivity

By using a lot of softwares, you're losing efficiency, management and time. CollabNext's secure collaboration tool is the time-saving solution for your work and organisation.

The online office suite provides users with a wide range of project management features, including email, document editing, file sharing and internal messaging. Centralising all these tools on a single platform will simplify your processes, enhance communication and teamwork, and optimise operational efficiency.

Find out what else we can do

We are specialised in sovereign email & security solutions that can be used stand-alone and are ready to be tailored to each business's requirements. Our solutions adapt to your preferences and grow with your needs, on-premises or in the cloud.

Sovereign corporate email

Email Security

SMTP Server

Increase productivity with CollabNext

Aware that a complete collaborative office suite is essential for your business? Looking for a powerful alternative to american suites such as Google Workspace and Microsoft 365? Choose CollabNext and its collaborative online platform.

Brochure – CollabNext

Businesses and public organisations are increasingly concerned about the security and sovereignty of their solutions. Enterprises are therefore looking for alternatives that offer enhanced privacy and sovereign data processing.

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