
About Alinto

Alinto is the European provider of email services and email security solutions

Email communication has become a must in today’s business life: All businesses use email to communicate with customers, business partners and colleagues. Alinto takes care of the technology and ensures that the business email services run smoothly and securely: Thanks to us, more than 20 million emails are successfully sent every day. We believe continuous innovation combined with personalised professional services is the foundation for long-term customer satisfaction.


years of experience


served companies


delighted users


emails processed daily

Our history

Steady innovation around a mature technology with an increased need for security and services.

Founded in 2000 by Philippe Gilbert to become an international player in the email business. Today, Alinto is a recognised long-term partner for thousands of European companies who entrust us with all aspects of their daily business email operations.  Backed by Siparex, Alinto has been accelerating its international presence since 2016.


Alinto was founded

Philippe Gilbert brought together a team of experts to deploy Europe’s first cloud-based email messaging platform and the first web-based email accessible from a mobile phone!


Acquisition of ANSM (Paris)

The purpose of building a hosted exchange platform and bringing our value-added email services to Microsoft fans became a reality.


Acquisition of Cleanmail (Zurich)

The Swiss email security specialist enhanced the capacities of Alinto’s solution capabilities and offered a local presence and infrastructure for our Swiss customers.


Joining forces with Serenamail on the Spanish market

An important step to strengthen our presence in the Spanish market, where we established ourselves in 2015.



Welcoming the SOGo open source project in Alinto and creating the all-in-one SOGoMail solution.

Alinto, 100% email

As a pure player in email, Alinto concentrates on email technology in all its aspects. We have developed a unique set of expertise: email security, email deliverability and cloud email. Access our expertise through our three flagship email software solutions.


Powerful professional email server for those looking for a proven European alternative.


Smart and secure email relay to protect your business from email threats.


An STMP Gateway with proven email deliverability for your transactional and high volume emails.

Exchange in Cloud

World's most used email server combined with the benefits of secure European-based cloud hosting.

Alinto, a company with a European vocation

A partnership with Siparex allows Alinto to benefit from the reinforcement of its resources and establish an international expansion policy starting in 2016 with the purchase of the Swiss company Cleanmail, which has specialised in cloud-based antispam filtering since 2002.

In 2019, Alinto announced the acquisition of SerenaMail, the spam filtering business of Pricewin Networks, a Spanish email security specialist based in Barcelona, through the signature of a joint venture. Alinto thus confirms its development strategy and has continued its annual growth of more than 20% since 2015.

Email geek Desktop user

Why be a pure email player?

13 billion: That's the number of emails sent every hour worldwide, and the number is growing.

Since email technology was created in 1972, when Ray Tomlinson suggested using the “@” to separate the username from the machine, it has continually generated exceptional growth rates.

According to the Radicati Group, 4.1 billion email addresses were in use in 2021, which is expected to increase to over 4.5 billion by 2025.

Over half of the world’s population has an email address.

Undoubtedly, email will continue to be an essential marketing and communication tool.


Alinto is committed to reducing the corporate footprint

Climate change and resource scarcity are key topics for us, and we are committed to doing our part to increase resource efficiency and reduce our carbon footprint.

Sending emails is not neutral for our environment. Every email sent has a carbon 4 CO2e carbon footprint. As an email solutions provider with sustainability commitments, we want to be at the forefront of limiting the impact of email technology.

 But we do not limit our initiatives to our core activities. We decided to consider environmental impacts in a growing number of areas, step by step.

  • Amplify our impact by educating our customers

    Educate our customers to use email intentionally and limit its use:

    • Keep the number of unread emails in the inbox as low as possible
    • Archive “old” emails on low-cost storage sites
    • Replace attachments with a hyperlink to an online space
    • Avoid multiple and unnecessary recipients in cc’s
  • Extend the lifecycle of our servers

    We extend the lifecycle of our servers to a minimum of 5 years and recycle the old ones as spare or non-critical operational units. We apply the same strategy for our office equipment.

  • Environment-friendly datacenters

    Since 2020, we are moving all production units to environmentally friendly data centres using 100% renewable energy and a PUE below 1.1. Today, two sites are already in production, and the migration will be finished by 2025.

  • Limit commuting

    Our commutes are synonymous with efficiency and low environmental impact. Nearly half of the company avoids commuting (remote workers); for the rest, commuting one day a week is recommended. For other trips, we encourage public transportation and bicycling.

  • Reducing the impact of business travel

    Business travel is sometimes necessary for an international company with operations in three countries and customers across Europe. However, we travel intentionally and limit business travel: We encourage video conferencing and travel by train whenever possible. Where this is not avoidable, we compensate for the use of air travel through an agreement with « Trip and Tree. »

  • Donations to ngo’s replace gifts & greeting cards

    We have replaced greeting cards and gifts with donations to NGOs to support, for example, the education of underprivileged students.

Innovation & Technology

We are passionate to contribute to a technology used in any company, indispensable in everyday business life and requires continuous innovation to protect from misuse and malicious attacks.

Working Flexibility

We are a hybrid company rooted in flexibility. Alinto has offices in France, Spain and Switzerland. Employees can work from one of our offices, organise a mix of remote work and onsite presence or work entirely remotely.

Alinto Team Value

Putting the human in the company's centre to move forward together towards the future.


« If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Henry Ford. At Alinto, you won’t be alone. Teamwork is highly valued despite the geographical locations & individual work organisations.

Renowned customers

It is valuable to contribute to the success of a project with a renowned customer. At Alinto, we are proud of our large and long-term customer base, including many well-known companies in the banking, health and telecom industries and public administration and health organisation.

Join us!

At Alinto, we ensure that our customers’ email communications are safe and run smoothly. If you would like to get involved, either as a team member or as a business partner, simply follow the links below to find out more 

What’s new at Alinto?

Curious? Discover a bit more about our activities!

Bye Bye X (Twitter)

On | In Company,

We’ve made the decision to leave the social network X (formely Twitter), as it no longer (...)

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Alinto celebrates its 25th anniversary !

On | In Company,

This year, Alinto marks its 25th anniversary. Over the past quarter-century, we have: Supported over 10,000 companies, (...)

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SOGo was at FOSDEM 2025

On | In Company,

On February 1-2, the SOGo team attended the 25th edition of FOSDEM at the Université Libre (...)

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